
Friday, May 31, 2013

Landscaping on a Budget-Money Saving Tips

Hello everyone! I am lovin' this four day work week. It has flown by at warp speed! I hope you had a good week too and are looking forward to the weekend! Maybe planting some flowers or working out in the yard?
Here are some tips I am going to share with you that will help you cut cost on some of your landscaping projects and flower plantings. 
My first tip is my favorite tip of all and that is to divide and SHARE!
If you have perennials (aka permanent, or plants that come back every year) they will spread and eventually need to be divided.
When you have to divide them, transplant them somewhere else in your yard, OR better yet, give the extras to a friend or neighbor and share the LOVE! 
Dividing Perennials Like Iris
Who doesn't love FREE landscaping?!? ...and you can't get any cheaper than FREE!
Above are pictures of my iris that I got from my Grandpa when he had to divide his. We simply dug up a few hunks of the root and I took it  home and planted it, then voila! Instant landscaping!
Same with my lamb's ear plants.
When I bought my house my friend Kristine divided up some of her plants and gave me a few starters.
There was only one or two bunches of lamb's ear that she gave me and over the years it has spread to this and I love it!
See how soft and fuzzy the leaves are. Just like 'lamb's ears' hence the name.
And the little stalk in the center will bloom with purple flowers. These are so cute!
And again, extra special because every time I look at them I think about my friend.
So you've got some plants but now you need pots and you're on a budget.
Ok, well never fear....Craigslist is here!

I bought this metal hanging basket holder with the two baskets for $20 bucks off of Craigslist a few years ago. It was in great shape but needed a good cleaning and fresh coat of paint to freshen it up.
We love this piece and it is the star of the show on our patio, which isn't bad for $20 bucks!
I also recommend garage sales, thrift stores and getting creative with what you already have.
 Here is a watering can I got from a thrift store and I updated it with a little hot pink spray paint to give it some pizazz, and voila! New flower pot for my pansies for next to nothing!
This is an area when you can save a lot of money buy repurposing old bowls, cups, saucers,etc. into new outdoor pots for your flowers.
Another great tip is to buy hanging baskets when they are on sale and the separate the flowers into your pots.
I got this hanging basket last weekend for $5 bucks and ended up getting 3 pots out of it!
Two went in the plant hanger from Craigslist and one in a pot on the deck.
Here is one of the pots from the basket above, and an evergreen bush I found last year for next to nothing at the hardware store.
We had a drought last year and the shrubs were steeply discounted to pennies on the dollar so I bought this little guy and decided to plant him in a black urn.
He is surviving but needs a hair cut! :)

What is so great about investing in evergreens is that you can enjoy them all year round!
I have this pot on our deck during the summer for added color and texture (does not attract bees like flowers do), then in the winter I wrap white lights around it for a festive holiday look.
You get more bang for your buck when you can enjoy your plants all year long!

So to recap, here are the tips:

  • Divide and share with friends for FREE! (you get variety of plants and something special to remember your friend or family member by)

  • Shop garage sales, thrift stores, Craigslist, or repurpose what you already have to cut costs on buying pots every year.

  • Invest in perennials and evergreens, and be sure to maximize your use of the evergreens all year long by putting them in pots that you can move around and decorate for the different seasons. (pine and boxwood work great like this)

  • Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Purchase plants you like in unconventional ways such as in a hanging basket that is on sale. Then take it home and separate the flowers into your own pots.

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So there ya have some good tips to get you going and hopefully help maximize your dollar!
Have a fabulous weekend!



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