
Thursday, June 12, 2014

New Flowers and Landscaping

Every year I like to add a little something new to my landscaping.
This year my biggest addition is this Annabelle Hydrangea.
Blog world, meet Annabelle.
Annabelle, meet blog world!
After my neighbors cut down their shrubs it opened up the fence line between our houses and let a little more light into this section of the yard so I thought it would be the perfect place to add my new hydrangea.
This type of hydrangea is referred to as a couple different things.
Some people call it an Annabelle hydrangea,
while others call it Snowball,
or Incrediball.

The name "snowball" or incrediball" obviously refers to the large flower clusters that his hydrangea bush pumps out.
They are PERFECT for preserving!
Here are two pictures of my Mom's Annabelle hydrangea bushes
and I can only hope mine grows to be that large and full of blooms!

The next thing I accomplished thus far was to clean up and beautify that dreaded corner that normally serves as a dumping ground for rocks, limbs, and yard debris.

I think we all have one.

I cleaned up most of it but need to take one more bag full of "crap" out and mulch the entire area around and behind the bird bath.
For now this is how it looks.

I placed my bird bath in the corner and added two clumps of brown eyed Susan that will eventually fill the entire space all around the bird bath.

Later this month they should adorn a yellow and brown sunflower like flower.

Then on either side of the space I added pink rose bushes that I found at Lowe's for...........
wait for it...............................................................

Yes, they were normally $12.99 rose bushes and Lowe's had them clearance out about a week or two ago for $3 each so I bought three.

 They had a few brown spots on them but once I planted them in the ground they quickly bounced back and are full of new growth and buds.
I am hoping to see some blooms in a few days!


So this area has improved but it still needs to be de-weeded, have one more load of debris removed, and a thick layer of mulch added.

In the fall I plan on seeding a little more so to help fill in some of the bare spots.  

My final addition this year is a clump of hardy geranium that I received from a friend.


This will expand and mound up to about six to 12 inches tall and produce pinkish purple flowers all over.

Right now it is small but it will fill in as time goes on.

Then on the corner where my lilies meet the rest of my landscaping I softened the corner with some fountain grass that's been in this spot for several years,
but this year it was starting to look over grown and crowded
so I dug it up and moved it out by about a foot
which made for a nice rounded corner
wide enough at the end of the patio for me put plant the third rose bush I bought from Lowe's.





So there you have it!

I added three shrub roses in pink, a pinkish/purple hardy geranium, two brown eyed Susan plants, and my all time favorite the Annabelle hydrangea!
It doesn't really look like much but when I itemize it like this it sounds like a lot!

Right now my orange lilies are starting to bloom, and I just got the trees trimmed and will publish a post about that some time soon.
Here is a picture of my lilies from last year-

They are even fuller this year and I can't wait to show you pics!
Now is a good time to take advantage of some great deals on flowers and landscaping plants at your local home improvement store.
It is early enough in the season for them to still take after you plant them and you will thank yourself next Spring when your new plants come back up!



Have a wonderful day!



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