
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Around the Yard

Well, just like everyone else, we too in KC are experiencing warmer than usual weather. It is forcing all of our spring flowering trees and bushes bloom about 4 weeks ahdead of scheduled so I thought I would share some pics of our yard with you.

Here are pics of the lilac bush in our front/side yard. Its a younger plant so its not very tall yet but it gets a good amount of blooms. I just {LOVE} the smell and want to cut fresh flowers to bring them in but I'm afraid I will hurt it so I don't cut any. LOL

This next picture is of our Cleveland Pear tree. It was in full bloom a week ago and I was hoping it would last a few days longer but we got a lot of ran and it washed a lot of the petals off the trees....but they were so beautiful when they were in bloom! I love that we have one right outside of our dining room window too. Kudos for the man for placing this tree in that spot! :)

Then of course there is my birdbath. There she sits! Alone ready for a makeover! I think this is the year she gets one too! Last year I wasn't sure about what I wanted around it but this year I have something in mind, so we'll see. I may post pics later of this one. Maybe do a before and after. :)

I also want to add some landscaping to this side of the yard as well. It is partially sunny/partially shaded so there is a lot we can do with it and I'm itching to get started!

Then of course last but not absolute favorite....RED TULIPS! Love em and every year when they bloom they make me happy with their upright bright red flowers, dancing a round celebrating Spring. My favorite by far!

So there is a little trip around our yard. We have a lot of work to do on our landscaping and pretty soon we will be starting our garden. I'm so glad Spring is finally here!


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1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are beautiful! I love spring! Me and my daughter were pointing out all the pretty blossoms as we were out and about today. Oh! And I am coming by to say THANK YOU so much for the sweet notes you left me about my House Numbers, and my kitchen! You are too kind!!!
    Come back and say hi again soon!


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