
Saturday, March 10, 2012

SpRing has SpRung!

I recently used my 40% off coupon at HobLob to purchase a set of two canvases with the intentions of painting them and creating artwork for my bathroom. Well, before I could decide on what I wanted to paint, I decided I would rather use them for Spring decorating. So, I used what I had, which was a few floral stems and some ribbon, and I came up with this:

(excuse the bad lighting-click on image to see larger)

I fell in {LOVE} with it so I am going to suprise you with an Easter themed canvas in the near future too. But for now, I have my spring canvas ready to adorn the rest of my spring soon as I get it all out and placed...its a work in grogress right now! :)

For this canvas, the following supplies are needed:

Blank canvas
Flor stem (color and size of your choice)
Die cuts, scrapbook paper, construction paper etc.
(I used scrapbook paper an my Cricut)
Hot glue
Glue stick
Wide ribbon and skinny ribbon (color of your choice)
And any other embelishments you chose

Then begin by marking off the bottom of the canas wth wide ribbon. I chose green and white polka dot satin wired ribbon and I cut it so that just a little hung off the edges and I wrapped it around and used gluestick to secure the flaps to the back of the canvas, like so-

Then I cut the floral stem and inserted it down under the ribbon and hot glued it in place.

After that I cut letters out of the scrapook paper with my Cricut, glued them to the canvas in a whymiscal pattern with a glue stick and used a flower petal for the dot above the letter "i" or a little embellishing. Oh, and for your letters....some prefer symetry with their wording, but I prefer whimsy...again, your choice. With a project like this, anything goes!

Then I cut out a little vinyl hot pink birdie with a tiara and attached her to the top for some cuteness and tied a soft pink ribbn around the base of the foral stem to cap it off.

And {VOILA}! Instant spring decor!

Here is aother view with it on top of my mantel-

And here is the canvas in the bathroom on a light green wall.

You can find me this weekend at the following parties:

1 comment:

  1. We love spring! Thanks for linking up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We would love to have you back!! -The Sisters


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