
Friday, July 27, 2012

Wire Basket Organization

Today is Friday (woot woot!) and I was a happy girl when I pulled up in the drive and discovered my Country House order had arrived. I love this store-they have the neatest things and they are reasonably priced too.

Here was my box....awfully LARGE considering I had only ordered ONE thing! LOL

...and there she is. My new wire basket. Now you may wonder what I plan on using this basket for....well, in our house we have a TP problem. Too much TP and nowhere to put it!!! Soooo.....that is where my new wire basekt comes into play. She is the PERFECT SIZE and can hold roughly TWELVE rolls of toilet paper....and that's a LOT of TP folks!!!

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TADA! There she is! Filled to the rim with TP and now its out of the hall closet and nicely stored away in the downstairs bathroom. This allowed me to free up a TON of space in the hall closet and who doesn't need MORE ROOM in their closet???!!!! I {LOVE} this basket sooo much that I may have to get another. The height of this basket is perfect for storing kids balls and bats, dog toys, shoes, umbrellas, wrapping paper, etc.

If you are interested in purchasing one, you can find the link here at the Country House.

.....and even though the heat has ruined most of my chances for fresh cut flowers, I decided to treat myself to a bouquet that I purchased from the local grocery store. Here they are for you to enjoy!!!!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!


A Little Knick Knack

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Tickled Pink at 504 Main



  1. I absolutely LOVE this basket! I'm all about baskets! Just found you thru Faded Charm and am now following-hope you visit and follow me back:)

  2. So cute! We use a wicker basket to store our TP as well. Little fingers seem to handle it better when its not on a role! ;) I'm having a Cutting Edge stencil giveaway! I'd love if you could join. Have a great night!

  3. I can think of lots of uses for a tall basket like that Jennifer... very handy indeed.
    Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday.


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