
Thursday, August 16, 2012

DIY Jewelry Organizer

I don't know about you but every so often I buy those cheap $1.00 air fresheners with the colored gel blob on the inside with the adjustable cone top. (You know the one) I think Renuzit is the only one that makes them.....but either way I like the apple cinnamon scent so I bought a few a while back to stick in various corners of the house. Normally when they dry up I toss them in the trash but the other day I came up with an idea. A way that these air fresheners can get a second chance at life AND help YOU me get organized!

Here is a picture of a typical air freshener.....see anything inspiring????

Here is the dried up blob of scented gel.....see anything yet???

Remove the about now....see anything inspiring???

Ok, how about one more time.............

YES! Jewelry holder....why didn't I think of this before???!!!!
Even YOU can make a sassy ring holder by up-cycling your old air freshener! AWESOME huh?

So first things first, I spray painted the entire piece with spray paint. I have been in love with this blue/gray color forever called Slate Blue and finally got a chance to try it out and I love it!

(Rustoleum did not pay me to say or do any of this) 

I wasn't sure how it would hold up with regular spray paint but the can said it can be used on plastic so I used it and it worked out fine. After letting it dry over night I then hot glued a strand of decorative iridescent pearls around it to GIRLIFY it. (is that even a word?) LOL

Then I added a little bling to the open hole at the top to cap it off. I have been playing around with my new set of acrylic gemstones and I love them! You can add them to anything!

Tada! There she is! .....can you see her???

Here is a closer view. I just {LOVE} how cute this turned out and it was easy-peasy!
....and best of all it was FREE!

This is my attempt to clean up the jewelry explosion that has landed on my vanity. I had been keeping my rings in this cute little bird bowl I got a few years back but I would much rather have my rings organized and stacked like this where they aren't gathering dust and banging into one another.

See jewelry EXPLOSION?

See the Decorated Chaos????!!!!!  :)

...............But with a little imagination even I can get organized!!!! 

So lets recap, shall we......

Before & After

Aaahhh, that's SO much better now!!!!!  

Have a great weekend!

Tickled Pink at 504 Main

Fridays Unfolded


I Heart Nap Time

The Girl Creative



My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia


  1. Morning Jennifer! Just found your blog when I saw your comment at Jane's blog Bluebird..Thought I would stop in and I am glad I did - great great idea! I think I just might have to try this (I have one of the cinnamon empties in my front coat closet as I love that scent) I'm off to explore the rest of your blog. Have a great weekend - Sincerely, Jeannette

  2. Very clever!!! I NEVER would have thought of that!!

  3. Now that is one CLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEVER idea!!!!! Applause and APPAWS to you!!!!! : ) hugs...your newest follower : )

  4. Very nice! I am your newest follower!! Glad to have found you. Stop by if you have the chance!
    Connie from Sadieloohoo

  5. Very clever! Thank you for sharing your project at Potpourri Friday at 2805!

  6. What a clever, useful idea! Thank you for linking up to our Pretty Things Party. Hope to see you back next week!

  7. Very clever Jennifer. Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday.

  8. who would have thought of that?! this is so smart!!

    smart momma

  9. Wow, your jewelry is amazingly organized. I need to do that with mine. It's all thrown in a drawer. I love this little project. Now I need to get some of those air fresheners so I can make one of these once it's used up. Thanks for sharing on Marvelous Mondays!


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