
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Beautiful Crab Apple Filled Vase

Hello everyone! Fall is certainly in the air here in the Kansas City area! Temperatures have dropped into the high 70s during the day and low 50s to 40s at night. The air is a little crisper and we've had some overcast/cloudy days with light rain recently so I can't help but get in the mood for fall!
As you know by my posts I am a thrifty chick, meaning I like to maximize my $ by incorporating low cost or free decor. Luckily Fall provides us with a bounty of gorgeous flowers, produce, and things like hedge apples, pine cones, and acorns that are free for us to enjoy.
The other night when I was at a friend's house for sorority meeting, I notice she had a crab apple tree in her front yard, and it was GORGEOUS! Very healthy and in full bloom, so I asked her if she would mind if I took a few cuttings. Of course she did not mind so I happily cut several small branches and brought them home to incorporate into my fall decor.

....And here is the result. A beautiful crab apple filled vase just waiting to adorn my fall mantle! I was so happy with how this turned out and the centerpiece has lasted for several days now.

Because the crab apples covered the entire stem I knew part of the berries were going to be submerged in water so I chose to put it in a glass vase to allow all of the berries and foliage to show thru.

Here is a little sneak peek of my fall mantle in progress. It is no where near complete but I wanted to show you the vase of crab apples AND while we're at it, my bittersweet plate.

You know how I love fall berries, including bittersweet, so its no surprise that I have a bittersweet plate. I found it at an antique mall roughly 10 years ago and I had to have it! It is the one piece that I make sure to bring out year after year.

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So here is my FREE crab apple vase. What do you think? Do you like incorporating fresh greenery into your seasonal decor? If so, what is your favorite greenery?



Linking up to wow us wednesdays here

House on the Way


  1. I love it...very cool idea. I'm your "neighbor" over here in Omaha :). Don't you just love the cooler weather this week!

    I have my first linky party going on right now too, if you'd care to come link up!
    There are no rules involved :).


  2. I wonder if we are neighbors? I live in Kansas City also. Have you been down to Good JuJu lately? The bounty there is wonderful and so many items are so reasonable. I love bringing dried flowers in for fall. I love the crab apples in the vase, your mantel looks lovely. What a wonderful find in your plate. Come visit my little corner of OZ.

  3. I wish I had access to wonderful branches like you do! I love bringing nature indoors, but here in Texas it's still really warm and the pickings are slim.
    I came over from Cowgirl Up~ nice to meet you!

  4. The crab apple branches are beautiful in your vase! Yes - I love fresh greenery in vases. I also love bittersweet and holly for the holidays!

    Thanks for your lovely comments.

  5. Your crab apple vase is beautiful! What a simple, yet stunning idea for Fall.
    Happy to be a new follower, Mary Alice

  6. Thanks ladies! I'm glad you like it. I was very happy when I was told to take as much as I wanted! Thanks for stopping by! :)


  7. Love the glass centerpiece filled with the berries? Thank you for linking up!

  8. This is a great idea.

    I have some trees that bear fruit, so I could cut and put in a big apothecary jag. TY for sharing.

    Happy day.

  9. How beautiful! We had a crabapple tree near us when we were a kid...I had forgotten about it! I love your bittersweet plate and was wondering where you got it. I'm crazy about bittersweet and had never seen it on a plate before.

  10. I'm so glad that I found you on Western Warmth. I love your blog! The crabapples are so pretty, I never thought to use them like that. Thanks for sharing:)


  11. Great decorations! Thanks for sharing on Marvelous Mondays!

  12. Thanks for linking up to our Pretty Things Party. Hope to see you back next week!

  13. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your creative touch with Potpourri Friday!

  14. I love using crab apples. They last a few weeks too. Thank you for joining HSH!

  15. Simply Gorgeous!!!!!! Thanks for sharing over at Junkin Joe...sending hugs...


Your comments are greatly appreciated! I enjoy receiving your feedback.