
Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Walk Around the Front Yard

Well, here in Kansas City we just had a fluke snowstorm on May 1st so we're just now getting used to the Spring weather that the rest of you have probably enjoyed for a few months now.
I was worried that my tulips would not survive but they held on like troopers and looked great!

Here is a picture of my red tulips. I planted these back in the fall of 2006 and they come up every year like clock work and are so bright and cheery to look at in the Spring after a long cold winter.


I took these pictures a little late in the blooming season for these. As you can see the blooms are fully open. I like them best when they just start to bloom, but they are still very pretty and you can see their gorgeous black and yellow centers.

Here is a side view. I always think it looks like they're dancing.
And here are more red tulips I planted in this planter I got from Home Depot for a steal last fall. They are a different variety from the ones in the yard but they are also red and add a pop of color against my white house.

And then there are my purple Iris.
They are special to me because they came out of my Grandpa's yard.
Back in 2007 he needed his thinned out so I dug up several clumps and transplanted them at my house. 
This bunch really took off too. They love the full sun that this space offers.
I cleaned out the dead leaves from last year's blooms and laid fresh mulch too.
Just like my Grandpa had to do, this past fall I separated them because they were crowding this area and it looked like I wasn't getting as many blooms as I had before, so I am glad to see them coming up so healthy this year and I hope they produce a lot of flowers!

Then over here, closer to the house we have a lime and fuscia pink spirea.

When I bought the house in 2006 this space was empty and muddy. It was gross, so I added the pavers, planted the clumps of Lirope and I used to have live forever planted but it grew too large too fast and attracted WAY too many bees to be so close to the house so I moved them and planted this Spirea about two years ago.
I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. The colors don't really go with the rest of my landscaping but it is a healthy plant and softens this corner up, so for now it stays.

And who doesn't like small hanging basket of Pansies?
There are also a few Daffodils planted in his space as well, and this year they turned out gorgeous!
I LOVE their yellow centers!

And here is a side view from the driveway. Everything is coming along nicely despite the SNOW STORM in May!
The last time that happened here was in 1907!
As you can see the trees and the rest of the landscaping has not bloomed yet, but it will all be fully here in about a week or two.
And there ya have it! A little walk around the front yard. I will post more pics as things begin to bloom.
Spring is such a wonderful time with the birds chirping and all of the gorgeous tulips and daffodils blooming....such a relief to see after such a long winter too.
What a wonderful time of the year.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
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  1. Your home and yard are so nice, looks like you put a great deal of work into both. Takes alot of attention to keep everything nice. Don't know how you do it working full time and keeping up with your blog. Ah to be young, lol. I keep wanting my hubs to do certain things around our place but if I dare suggest it he gets all huffy. Sheesh.
    Love your tulip, daffs and other flowers. I miss our beautiful tulips, daffs and forsythias from our place in KY. Every year we discovered more in the yard that came up all on their own. Had several hostas and iris plants also.
    We are seeing our lilac bushes bloom for first time since we planted them about 4 yrs. ago, they're so pretty, love the fragrance. One of them is right outside my studio/pc room window so I'll be able to smell it when I can open the window. We had snow around same time you did. We live in western co now.

  2. Jennifer, I enjoyed the stroll. Spring has been a bit late here also. Finally I have lots of color popping up with my Aubretia, Phlox, and bleeding hearts. I love Iris and have starts from my dear Mother. Such an old fashioned flower.

  3. I have never tried to grow tulips, but I do have some daffodils. I think I need to plant some tulip bulbs next fall if they will look as gorgeous as yours.

  4. So thankful for Spring and all of the flowers it brings! They are all so pretty! Life to the full! Melissa


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