
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Latest Thrifty Finds


I can not believe it is July already! This year is flying by so fast!
I have been working feverishly on getting my house ready to sell, celebrating our engagement, starting the beginning stages of planning a wedding, working, and a TON of DIY projects since January.
I'm exhausted but keep pushing myself to get it all done so I can get the house on the market soon.
So enough about all of that....its exhausting!
So in the very little down time I have had lately, I try to squeeze in run by the local thrift store at least once every other week.
I have tried to stay focused on buying things to stage my house with, so many times I walk away empty handed, but when I do splurge and allow myself to buy other stuff, I have found some great deals!
Lets start with this sea shell picture.
The frame is boring and dated, BUT, this is a VERY cool picture and I am super excite to have found it!
Look closely.......
Can you see it now?
Someone cross stitched this ENTIRE picture of sea shells.
It is truly a work of art that someone spent a LOT of time on and I must say, they did a fabulous job too!
Here is another view up close. See the cross stitch????
And bless their heart, they even used duct tape on the back to hold in the cross stitch. LOL
I plan on replacing the frame and fixing the back to spruce it up but it really is a very cool piece and it goes perfectly with my summer decor.
Then there were these ADORABLE little berry baskets for $0.69 cents each.
I bought three but I seriously could have taken the entire stack! LOL
They were in perfect shape and appear to have never even been used.
I can't wait to play around with them and give them a makeover!
I also found a little plant stand that was in great condition.
I can never have enough of these guys around!
Then there are these cottage styled planters.
I have something special in mind for these that I will reveal later down the road, but at $1.99 each they were worth buying versus making, so in the cart they went!
....and last but definitely not least, there is this gray finial.
It is from Hob Lob and I got it on clearance. I have a small collection of finials in our master bedroom and I was drawn to this one because of its color and shape.
I also love the glass bead in the middle too.
It is so shabby chic and adds the right touch to our master bedroom.
I would like to paint one or both of the other finials to match this color, and think I have the perfect paint treatment in mind, so looks like I have another project waiting for me this fall.
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There ya have it. My latest thrifty finds.
Once we are done working on my house I hope to make it to the pool and start enjoying the Summer weather!
I've got about two more hard weeks ahead of me then its to the pool BABY!!! :)
 {nifty button}StoneGablePhotobucketSouthern Lovely
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PrettyThings birdsonawirebuttonThe Shabby NestNatasha In OzTitiCrafty by CamilaBy Stephanie Lynn
The Dedicated House
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

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