
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Upholstered Bed at the Thriftstore?!

There have been some terrific finds lately at my local thrift stores and I wanted to share with you what I found.
Now, before I unveil the goods, I have to get on my podium for a moment and speak to those of you who are not thrift store shoppers.
If you think that everything is junk, you are in the wrong mindset.
Sure. I totally agree that there is a lot of stuff deemed as "junk" but even junk has a useful life to someone, so change that mindset and embrace all that the thrift stores have to may be pleasantly surprised!
Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled post. LOL
I found these two upholstered headboards at two different GW stores in my town.
This one would look PERFECT in my bedroom!
It has a dark espresso wood finish around the edge and a soft velvety microfiber upholstered fabric.
It was in perfect condition, and you can see the movement of the microfiber fabric from my hand as I inspected it.
It would look great in my bedroom but I don't believe it was the right size. I need a queen size and this appeared to be a full.
I admit that I was unprepared with my measurements 
(I know, shame on me) but I was running in for a quick
drive-by and was not expecting to find a new head board.
So I "think" it was too small but I will never know now.
I do love this piece though and hope it found a good home!!! 
Now, this next head board is sooo cute and at $9.99, I was going to snatch it up and turn it into a bench, .....BUT I did not allow myself to buy it until I clean out my garage and have my annual garage sale.
Dang me for being so financially responsible!
No fun!
Isn't it adorable?! I love the green color.
It was in great shape too. No stains, rips, tears, smells, or anything!
I really wanted this BADLY but it was a twin size so I could not use it thus had to let someone else give it a forever home.
Then of course there was this yellow sign that I picked up to use in my office.
Ok, so those were my fabulous thrift store finds but my last find I want to share with you was at Lowe's.
As I was browsing the lighting aisle I came across this GORGEOUS chandelier that retailed for over $119 and was on sale for $29!!! 
Hello! Say what?!
Yes!!! This was one of those times where I wanted to snatch it up in hopes to use it down the road, but, once again, I did not have an immediate need for it so I had to let it pass.
Look at it sparkle! I love it!

So there ya have it. These are just a few of the great things I found that I did NOT bring home with me, but rest assured there were some things I did buy that I will share with you soon!

 It was a great week for thrifty finds, which is perfect timing for those of us sprucing up our spaces for Spring!
I hope you were inspired to get out and find your special treasures!
Have a great week,

Linking Up to These Great Parties:
Adorned From AboveHouse on the WayYour Whims WednesdayWhat did you makelivelaughlinky 250x250TIGfinalImparting GraceJUNKINLOGO2211111
 Monday-Funday-Gray-Background-e1376740562237The Girl Creative
 A Stroll Thru Life
Savvy Southern StyleInspire Me Please

http://www.thethriftyhome.comsouthern hospitality

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