
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Pink and Gold Glam Foot Stool Makeover

Pink and Gold
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A llloonnnggg time ago I found this little foot stool at a thrift store. It had great bones and just needed a little TLC...and a vision.

So first things first, I had to remove the ugly stained fabric....

And the dull brass tacks.

Once she was stripped down to her bare bones I could then build her back up with her new look.

The cream color was a bit dull and needed some zing
 (like that word? ...zing.)
So I chose a metallic gold paint to add some sparkle to this glamor girl, but not be overpowering.

This stuff is awesome!
It adds a subtle metallic look and is perfect for small projects like this.
Normally I don't paint with metallic paint 
(had bad experiences with the metallic spray paints) but this time I decided to give it a try and I love how it turned out.

I simply dry brushed it on for a light sheer coverage.



And the paint went perfectly with this fabric I stumbled across at Hoblob!

And I used upholstery tacks to secure it to the bench.


It was a bit difficult to line up the tacks and I had to redo some of them but once I got going it all went a lot smoother.
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So now she's glam and fabulous!
I love this pink fabric and how it looks with the metallic gold paint.

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Here is the before and after:
Much better!
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Treasure Box Tuesday 11 Magnolia Lane

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Down With the Popcorn Ceiling!

If you follow me on Facebook you caught a quick glimpse of what I have been working on since New Years Day. ...yes, I said that right....since New. Years. Day. (sigh)
It's been a looonnnngggg and MESSY project to say the least but I am happy to tell you that the popcorn ceiling in the mudroom is almost all gone! 
 Pretty soon the popcorn ceiling will be a distant memory and one that I would like to forget!!!
Whoever created this stuff needs a stern talking to!
 And when I say messy....I mean MESSY!
See this?
This mess is what happens when your tarps fall off but you forge forward like a crazy mad woman who is unwilling to stop and put it back up since she is on a roll so she just keeps on scraping her little heart away, until the madness wears off and then she is confronted by a big fast mess! 
And there she goes.......the tarp is falling down!
Luckily, most of it swept up fairly easily.  
But beyond the messy sheet rock dust lies a beautiful, smooth, untouched white ceiling that makes it all worth it.
This is the last spot that is left to scrape and I will finish it soon so we can put up the new light fixture and say bye-bye to the infamous boob light.

See the difference?

And how could I complete a DIY project without encountering a blip?
When you live in a 70 year old house, things are not perfect.
What I mean is, that after scraping, and scraping I finally came to the last corner over by the fireplace with a small spot that needs repair.

I am happy to report that this was the only spot that needed to be addressed though so its all good.

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Now back to spackling and sanding this corner, finishing the area around the light fixture, and then priming and painting.
Once I am done I will post the tutorial and give you a nice before and after reveal, then we can all go have a drink together to celebrate. LOL :)

Linking Up To:
PhotobucketDwellings-the Heart of You HomeThe Chicken Chick
Marvelous Monday Linky Party Treasure Hunt ThursdayDwellings-the Heart of You Home