A llloonnnggg time ago I found this little foot stool at a thrift store. It had great bones and just needed a little TLC...and a vision.
So first things first, I had to remove the ugly stained fabric....
And the dull brass tacks.
Once she was stripped down to her bare bones I could then build her back up with her new look.
The cream color was a bit dull and needed some zing
(like that word? ...zing.)
So I chose a metallic gold paint to add some sparkle to this glamor girl, but not be overpowering.
This stuff is awesome!
It adds a subtle metallic look and is perfect for small projects like this.
Normally I don't paint with metallic paint
(had bad experiences with the metallic spray paints) but this time I decided to give it a try and I love how it turned out.
I simply dry brushed it on for a light sheer coverage.
And the paint went perfectly with this fabric I stumbled across at Hoblob!
And I used upholstery tacks to secure it to the bench.
It was a bit difficult to line up the tacks and I had to redo some of them but once I got going it all went a lot smoother.
So now she's glam and fabulous!
I love this pink fabric and how it looks with the metallic gold paint.
Here is the before and after:
Much better!
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