
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Christmas Power Shopping-How I Roll

Well, we're down to about two weeks left before the big day and I feel the need to pick up the pace on my Christmas shopping.

It is hard to get all of my shopping done on the weekends so I try to squeeze some in on my lunch hours and evenings after work.

So to maximize my time I have a list of a few things I have learned along the way that help me stay focused and power shop successfully.

Here are my tips for getting it done:

1. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes:

If you are like me and shopping at odd times like on your lunch hour or in between picking up kids from school and running them to practice, you probably find yourself in the same clothes you wore to work. So before you get your groove on power shopping make sure to bring a change of clothes so that you can wear something comfortable and not fussy. You don't want to waste time with wardrobe issues or sore feet from work shoes.

I usually wear something like these yoga pants with a sweatshirt and tennis shoes.  

And be careful to not wear a large coat that you have to lug around.

2. Stay hydrated:

This next tip is a must for me. Nothing can be more distracting than thirst or hunger hitting you in the  middle of power shopping.  
Chances are you will be waiting in long lines and not have time to stop and get something to eat......or worse case scenario you will be stuck in check out lines stocked with gum and candy that you will be tempted to buy because you are hungry!

So always make it part of your routine to grab a bottled water and/or granola bar before you head out.

3. Make sure your phone is charged:

So you are power shopping and knocking out your long Christmas list but you have a concern about your brother's girlfriend's gift.

No problem, just take a picture of the item and text it to your brother to get his feedback........only to go for your phone and find your battery is dead!
So now you have to put the item back and continue shopping OR buy it and take the risk. 

This scenario has happened to me on several occasions so I always make sure my phone is charged because you never know when you will need it!

You might need to use it to help you with your shopping and downloading coupons. So you don't want to be in the middle of landing that perfect gift and realize your phone is dead!

4. Clean out your trunk:

Ok, this last tip is one that a lot of you might not think about before heading out for power shopping. If you have a lot of "junk in your trunk" be sure to clean it out before you head out.

You will need a place to store and hide your shopping bags so clean out that trunk before you go. I never suggest leaving your bags in the backseat for the world to see!

So those are my tips for maximizing your time while you power shop.

We only have about two weeks left to get everything done so before you head out, I hope you follow these tips to save yourself some time and hassle.

*I was compensated or this post but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Have fun shopping!


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