
Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Little Bit of Green....Glass That Is

 In honor of St.Patty's Day I wanted to introduce you to my friend.
This little girl, so petite and Green, is not only a great sparkling water (no, not paid to say that), but once you let her "pour" her heart out you can still keep her around and she will be the belle of the ball.

You see, there is more to her that what meets the eye......

She has potential I tell ya....don't you see it?

She has been telling me all along that she has more to offer than what most people think she does....

So I listened and let her show herself....and that is when she became the star of the show.

The belle of the ball!

Her beautiful Green color just sparkles and shines
and adds the perfect touch to a welcoming Spring vignette......

And just think......her life was once predicted to be very short and she was destined for the trash,

 but now she adorns a glass beaded flower sprig and sits in a miniature wood crate throne

among the other royalty

and an old antique bottle.......

She's bold and beautiful and I'm thankful she's mine.


P.S. You really CAN decorate for less if you look for the hidden beauty found in common everyday things.

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Have a Happy and Safe St.Patty's Day!


Linking Up to These Great Parties:

The Tablescaper

st-patricks-day-DIYDIY Easter Ideas – Monday Funday Link Party
UndertheTableandDreamingThe Chicken Chick

Grab a button!

Creative Cain Cabin
Link to The Rustic Pig

Vintage On A Dime


The Shabby Nest


  1. She is such a beauty and she deserves to be in center stage! Love! :) Thanks so much for linking up to Monday Funday!

  2. Love the bright green:) thanks for sharing at the Cabin.

  3. Very sweet! I hopped over from 52 Mantels. Isn't bringing spring back into the house so much fun? I've been all over the spring decorating lately... Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love the touch of green. So pretty!

  5. This is a sweet vignette! The green bottle does pop! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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