Hello everyone! I hope your Summer is off to a good start. We have been extremely busy working on my house getting it ready for the realtor but we had a few extra minutes to squeeze in a half hour organization project that totally made our lives much happier at our house!!!
Is it just me or do you also have a space in your home, or garage, where basic everyday tools like the hammer, screwdrivers, and pliers seem to end up....and in a big pile???
Here is our pile. It is a stack of basic everyday items that we use regularly shoved in a corner on our steps going into the garage.
Of course they are IN THE WAY every time you go in and out of the garage, so we put a stop to this once and for all by doing something we should have done years ago.
It so easy that we are kicking ourselves for not doing it a long time ago.
And here it is. The lifesaver......
Friends....meet THE peg board.
If you have never installed peg board, rest assured. It is easy. All you need is a cordless screwdriver, or drill, and a kit like this one below with hangers.
Of course there are ALL KINDS of hanging systems that start small and affordable and go up from there.
Our job was a fairly small job since we just wanted a place for everyday items, not the whole set of tools or anything.
So here is the hanger system we chose from HD.
This package is pretty basic and has everything a person needs to get started.
Remember you can always buy more hangers and organizers to attach later as your needs change, so start small.
We ended up having extra hangers which you will see below, so there is always room to grow or move things around should we need to.
That is the great thing about these peg boards and the hanging systems. They are interchangeable so you can go as basic or extravagant as you want.
It just depends on your organization needs and the $ you are willing to spend.
To install the peg board, start by identifying AND MARKING where the studs are in your wall, then while one person holds up the peg board the other one can drill it into the stud.
The hanger system provides little washer/bumper type pieces that go behind the peg board and your screw so that there is a space wide enough for your hangers to fit thru the holes of the peg board.
Once you attach the pegboard in two, or all four corners, (whatever you need depending on what you will be hanging on it), then start attaching your hangers.
This is the fun part!
I suggest hanging LIKE ITEMS together and keep in mind how YOU and YOUR FAMILY work, meaning if you have kids you my want to put things with sharp corners higher than other things, or you may want to arrange yours by color, or items most used on one side, etc.
Do what works best for you!
Here is our finished peg board.
Then voila! No more messy steps!!!!
I love being organized.
This project was so simple and only too about 30 minutes and $25 bucks to complete, and boy did it make a huge difference for us!
If you have never used a peg board for organization, I highly recommend trying it out by starting with a small area like we did.
It is a very affordable organizational solution that is so easy to install, and you will be like us and glad you did it!
Have a wonderful week!

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