Happy Friday to everyone. TGIF!
As you know I am in the process of selling my home and we're currently making last minute repairs, cleaning and staging the mudroom, front room and kitchen areas.
This winter as I was working on redoing my mudroom I decided I needed a small table in here where I could sit a vase of flowers or a basket for mail, so to the thrift store I went.
.......And for $5 bucks, this is what I came home with.
I hear you laughing! ...and its ok. I laughed too!
See the hideous golf scene someone painted on here?
Yikes! Its very loud to say the least, so I shopped around on the Internet for some color inspiration and this is what I chose.
Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams
I absolutely LOVE this color!
It is a grayish-greenish-blueish-color depending on the light in the room that it is in.
At first I wasn't sure so I only bought a quart of it, and then after painting this table I decided I wanted to paint everything with it, so this is the first of two projects I have going with this color.
I gave the table a color makeover and added a delicate little glass knob to give it a shabby look.
I bought my knobs from Wal-Mart for roughly $5-8 bucks for a package of two knobs.
And here she is today holding a pickle jar vase of white hydrangeas from my parents yard.
Ok, quit looking at the flowers and focus on the table! :)
I know, they are gorgeous and I warned my mom that I might have to cut off more flowers, or if all else fails dig up her bush and bring it home with me!!!
(I apologize for the shadows from the bad lighting)
And finally-
I just love my new table. It is the perfect size and now perfect color for this space.
Lucky you to also get a sneak peek of my mud room makeover too.
A full post and pictures are on their way soon of this room makeover, but in the mean time I wanted to share my new table with you.
Its amazing what some paint and an inexpensive glass knob can do to a piece of furniture.
If you are in need of a furniture makeover, I say go for it!
And thats a wrap!
Linking Up to These Great Parties:

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