I actually LOVE my beachy bathroom and can't wait to show you the final look once its all put together. You may remember we painted it last summer and I have been slowly but surely putting it back together and think I have it just the way I want it....so more to come on that down the road but these blooms liven up the bathroom and bring natural elements into the space and keep it fresh. OH and on a side note, the basket they are in is a beachy basket I found at the GW for less than $2 bucks! Similar baskets w/vase sell for about $30 so I was pretty excited when I found this bad boy!
Mr. Decorated Chaos really likes our double knock out roses. We have one bush in hotpink and one in soft pink. Today I cliped off some of the hot pink to bring inside for a splash of color in our kitchen. Here they are in small vase I got at a local flower shop.
And what dining room table is complete without some floral?
I'm in the process of chaning out the runner and look of our table but for now the flowers soften things up and add a nice touch.
So far this summer has been hot and dry for us in the KC area but I hope that you are able to get your hands dirty, plant some flowers or tend to a vegetable garden this season. I find it thereputic and really enjoy brining a little bit of the outdoors inside to enjoy throughout the house!
Les fleurs est tres belles!
Au revoir,
So a few weeks ago I was so careful... went and snipped some wild roses and spirea. The roses made it about 2 hours but the spirea lasted and lasted. Think I will try again....