He there friends! How are you? It has been a while but I am happy to share today's post with you, and I have many more in the works too.
If you follow me on Instagram you probably remember seeing the before shot back in November of what I am about to show you.
Its hard to believe that I found this cute farmhouse plate rack dusty and neglected on the bottom shelf at a local thrift store.
She's a little warped, but I hardly notice it and she still has a lot of life to live, so I brought her home with me and added some thrifted white plates. The two smaller plates are ironstone pieces I picked up over the years, and the wooden star I found at Nell Hills at Christmas time. It is actually a Christmas ornament but I like to use stars throughout the entire year around the house and I thought this added a nice touch.
All she needed was a good cleaning, some light sanding, and new coat of bright white spray paint to do the trick, and now she is the focal point of a farmhouse vignette in my kitchen.
Here she was when I found her. A $2.00 discarded wooden piece nobody wanted.
Then I set up my saw horses with a large piece of cardboard that I cut up from a box I had in the garage.....
and I gave her two fresh coats of white spray paint.
I even painted right over the hooks on the bottom too! Easy peasy!
Nothing like a fresh coat of white paint to breath new life into something old!
And now here she is and I love her! I am working on adding something above the plate rack and I will post pics of that after I figure out which direction I am going.
The cabinet is also going to eventually get an update too, along with the thing I am going to put above the plate rack. The entire space looks so different! You can read about how this space looked before at this link here.
For now, I am enjoying the updated nook in my kitchen.
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