Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fall Patio Update In Progress

Hello everyone! Its been a crazy week around here at our house. With the days getting shorter I am rushed for time in the evening to work on my projects, and to top it off I am preparing for a fall garage sale. ssheeeww!
Its been a busy week but I wanted to give you a sneak peek at our patio update. I like to change the look of the outside of the house with the season, similar to how I update the inside seasonally, so the walk out patio is getting a seasonal makeover, along with our yard.
In our spare time we have also dethatched, aerated, reseeded the lawn, etc. I tell ya, I'm exhausted, but whenever I have some time to pull it all together I will show it off, and in the mean time here is a sneak peek! :)  
Oh yeah, I {LOVE} the colors and pattern......check out all those warm fall colors!

...and who can resist the mums?! These gorgeous pink/purple ones steal the show with their bright POP of color.

Have you ever started a project thinking it was just a routine project only to be totally amazed once you got it started. I amazed myself on this project and can't wait to share the final patio post with you!

So there it is! Just a little tease while I'm working on pulling it all together! This weekend I am focusing on organizing and getting ready for the garage sale and hope to have my Halloween projects wrapped up too!
There will be a lot more on the way from me in the next few days so stayed tuned and get ready, as I'm sure I will be on a posting rampage once its all done! LOL :)
Have a wonderful Friday (TGIF!)

House on the Way

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