Every year I try to have a garage sale at my house to purge all those things I no longer need or use.
My close friends and family have come to expect this from me every Spring and it has become a time for my Aunt and my Mom, and sometimes my BFF to get together and catch up.
We actually look forward to it.
Last year when I was hosting my annual garage sale my Aunt brought with her two ugly dated chairs that she wanted to either sell or donate.
She didn't think anyone would want them so if they didn't sell she would donate them, but once I saw them I immediately knew that they could be easily transformed into something prettier and be put to good use around my house so she so graciously gave them to me.
I don't think it was the dark wood or nicks and chips that irked me as much as this nasty plastic seat covering!
This plastic covering was thick and really making the chairs look worse than they really were!
The plastic had started to yellow and it just look out right dirty, so first things firs.....I had to immediately remove that plastic!
After removing the plastic I was curious as to what was under the current seat fabric and to my surprise it wasn't half bad.
It was a soft velvety smooth fabric with soft green, yellow, and cream colored stripes.
It was clean fabric with no rips or tears so I was half tempted to keep it but it really wasn't the look I was going for so I decided to reupholster it.
So how did I do that? Well, I am going to post a tutorial on that later, but for now, here is the big reveal:
And here they are together in my front room.
Not bad considering how they looked before.
As a matter of fact when I Aunt came over to visit recently she walked right past the chairs and didn't even notice they were the ones she gave me until I told her!
For those of you who have an old chair in the garage or have seen something at a thrift store or garage sale but were too afraid to tackle a makeover, keep in mind that a little paint goes a LONG way!!!
Now on to my next makeover!
....gotta get my makeovers done so I can start working in the yard this month as the weather warms up.
Stay tuned for the chair makeover tutorial that is soon to come.
Have a wonderful week!
Linking Up To these Great Parties:


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