This memo board has been around the Ballard Designs catalog for quite some time now and after a couple years of having it on my wish list I decided to take matters into my own hands and make one.
I am pleases how it turned out and was super happy at how budget friendly this project was!
I bought a couple yards of burlap, some upholstery tacks, and a cork board.
I used my 40% Hob Lob coupon for the cork board but you most certainly can use one that you already have or that you find at a thrift store or garage sale.
I just didn't have one on hand at the time to use so I bought a new one.
Start by wrapping the burlap around front of the canvas
(I folded my burlap in half so I would have a double layer)
and use your staple gun to attach it to the backside.
It is VERY important to keep pulling the burlap fabric tight as you go along stapling it to avoid air bubbles and loose saggy sections.
After the burlap is attached to the cork board begin hammering in the nail heads.
I wanted my memo board to look like the one in the Ballard Catalog so I used oil rubbed bronze nail heads and spaced them every inch and a half.
If you look closely, mine are not PERFECTLY spaced as I did not do a precise mathematical calculation of how many nail heads I would need.
Instead, I estimated, and that is what makes DIY so much fun is that you don't have to be exact!
After the nail heads are all tacked in just attach a hanger to the back of your memo board and that's it!
I used a piece of twin and made it into a loop then stapled it to the back of the board.
Simple and yet so cute!
For the hanger, I used a 3M strip hook in ORB.
These hooks are perfect when you don't want to fully commit to putting a hole in the wall!
Here it is fully finished and hanging up in my office next to my new lamp that you can read about HERE.
For now I am using it to hold all my paint swatches but plan on adding photos and notes.
Here is a side by side comparison and as you can see there is very little difference.
Mine looks just like theirs!
If you are looking for a quick project to add organization and style to your office, kitchen, or craft room this is a great project that will take you very little time to do and can be done for about $10 bucks, or less!
I love how it turned out and now I can't wait to get the rest of my office projects underway!
And for the moment you have been waiting for................
The WINNER of the Big Stock Photo giveaway is............
Congratulations Harmony!!!!
I will be contacting you soon to claim your prize!!!
Have a great weekend all!
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