Remember my post on Duck Tape from a while back?
Well I recently found myself with several some left over card board rounds from the painters tape that I had completely used and I remembered that I had some left over Duck Tape from my back to school project, so I decided to bring the two together and create a bangle style bracelet.
How many of us DIY'ers have these left over cardboard rounds from all that painter's tape we used up?
Well, why throw them away when you can up-cycle them into a piece of jewelry?!?!
Here is everything you need:
A left over card board circle/round....mine is 1 inch wide, some cute Duck tape, and of course scissors.
I like that these left over rounds are hard and durable and will hold their shape.
When you make bracelets, keep durability in mind.
Not every round card board item will work for this project as it needs to be something hard and sturdy that will not warp or bend.
So to get started I gave myself a space to work using an old card board cereal box as my work surface.
Then I rolled out the tape in a straight line long enough to wrap around my card board circle.
If you have never worked with Duck tape I will give you the heads up by saying that it is very sticky, which is a good GREAT thing, but you don't want to battle with the tape during this project, so clear everything away and lay down something like a book or piece of card board so that the tape does not accidentally stick to your good furniture surface.
Now center your circle card board bracelet form on the tape and begin rolling it down the line of the tape, keeping it centered along the way and pressing it hard against the tape so that there are no air bubbles or loose spots.
When you get to the point where the two pieces of tape meet, simply butt them up closely but try not to overlap the tape.
Tip: Overlapping this tape can cause bubbles and crinkles so try your best not to overlap the tape if you can avoid it.
This is why I chose to ROLL the tape around the outside of the bracelet. By rolling it in the tape you get a smooth exterior all the way around.
If you had wrapped the tape around the bracelet instead, you would have seams every so often which can make the bracelet look like it was wrapped in tape.
Then firmly press the sides of the tape around the inside of the bracelet so now the bracelet should be fully wrapped around the exterior.
Right now your bracelet should look fully covered along the entire outside of the circle but you will have an exposed section in the middle that needs to be covered.
The section in the middle is thinner than the width of the roll of Duck tape so you will need to either cut a piece in half or simply do as I did and cut a small slit right in the middle of a piece of tape then using your hands just rip the tape right down the middle so you have a strip of tape that will fit the width of your bracelet.
Its often times easier to rip the tape down the long center than to cut it as it tends to stick to your scissors.
Now simply roll that strip of tape along the inside exposed area making sure to keep it centered and pressed along the way and that is it!
You now have created an adorable animal print bangle bracelet!!!
I also have zebra print Duck tape that I want to use to make another bracelet.
I love how my bracelet turned out! It only took a few minutes and supplies I already had on hand to make my animal print bangle bracelet.
This is something that adults can wear this out and about and mixed in with their other jewelry too so it would be a fun gift to give a sister, BFF, or co-worker.
It looks great and is so easy to do that it would also make a great Girls Night Out project.....the possibilities are endless with all the new Duck Tape varieties out there!
Here is my bracelet mixed in with my other jewelry.
*I was not compensated in any way by Duck Tape, I just thought this was a fun project and wanted to share it with you. And really, any kind of duct style tape would work for this project, as well as fabric, yarns, and beads.
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