As the seasons change I like to update the exterior of my home just like I do on the inside.
Normally I change out my wreath on my front door with the season but they always get ruined from the elements, so I decided to try something new.
I have always loved houses that have a star displayed by their front door.
Its a little country, a little patriotic, and perfect for the look I was going for, so when I found this star at my local thrift store that was just the right size I had to buy it and gave it a make over.
The red, white, and blue was great but wasn't really the look I was going for so I decided to use some paint I had on hand and paint it black.
When spray painting, I like to use my spray handle as I have shown here.
It makes the paint glide on evenly with professional results. If you don't already have one I suggest getting'll be glad you did.
So I grabbed my supplies and got busy.
Then I let it dry over night.
And voila!
It was just the little update that my front porch needed, and because I used Rustoleum paint, it will weather the elements just fine.
So what do you think? Do you like to decorated the outside of your home?
How about wreaths? Do you update them seasonally?
Inspire Me Tuesday

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