This is a post that has been in the making for a long time.
Here is my front room. It is definitely a work in process and the center of my home.
One thing I love about this room is that I have what I call "floor to ceiling" windows.
I love all the light they bring in and how open they make the space feel.
This particular window next to my fireplace however, has been a thorn in my side since I bought my house in 2006.
Well this is the outside of that window next to the fireplace.
There is wood rot and moisture trapped inside the glass so the window is foggy and always looks dirty
Over the years I have sanded it down, caulked and caulked to try and buy some time but ENOUGH is ENOUGH.
Bye-Bye old window from the 90s and hello new energy efficient window!
I never thought I would get so excited about a new window.
New jewelry yes, window....wwweeelll.....
but let me tell you, when your house has something that is an eye sore and it stares at you every single day of your life, well, you get a little excited when the time comes to remove the eye sore.
It has been nine years in the making but the time has finally come.
When the window company started this process they put up a tarp over the window to control the dust and debris from coming inside.
Once the window grids were removed (see the hazy lines where the grids used to be), there was moisture and dirt trapped inside that created this haze.
They cut around the window and pried it out.
They cut it off and chipped away at the wood rot until it was removed, then they rebuilt the window sill.
There's a hole in my wall! Yikes! :)
Then once the frame and sill were prepped the window was popped tightly into place.
Since this window faces the West, it gets a lot of sunlight shining through it it so I chose a widow with a high energy rating and added tinted glass with grids so that it blends in with my other windows.
It is also an encasement window which it means it does not open.
Then the molding around the outside was created and wrapped around the window, then caulked.
And voila!!!! My house adorns a beautiful new window.
Here is the before and after:
And now I can look through the window and see a crisp clear view of the world outside and I love it!
So project #2 is finally done. Yay!
If you missed it, you can also read about project #1 HERE.
Have a wonderful week!
Linking Up to These Great Parties:

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